So much Mary Magdalene symbology today. The 7 powers of the Ego, Coming Home, The skull representing eternal life, the Tower, this could be the Magdalene Watchtower, and also together, death of the ego. There is an immediate shift and change, which was presented yesterday, and today it prevails. You needn’t go anywhere else to find these epiphanies, they are right here within you and available to you always. Perhaps there wasn’t a readiness to see them before, and now a convergence has formed.
We’re receiving the Headdress for the 4th or 5th time today indicating past lives, ancestors, and knowledge from the higher-selves of our helpers. We are here to experience the full gamut of emotion in order to understand the full human condition. We learn as we gain awareness from each experience. A convergence has formed and the readiness to see them is revealed.
Mary Magdalene talks about the 7 powers of the Ego that need to be experienced, to be fully in the human condition, and then to understand what it is to be fully human. These 7 powers are Darkness, Desire, Ignorance, Zeal for Death, Kingdom of the Flesh, Foolish Wisdom of the Flesh, and Wisdom of the Wrathful Person.
The knowingness that Divine is within each human, it is accessible. Coming into this understanding, and seeing that creation energy is Love. We are asked today to become a healing conduit for our very environment, our own lives, our own body. When you heal yourself, nurture yourself, you nurture the planet, the world around you. Transformation of energy is possible with your intention.
We become aligned in our own power when we use our intention. Setting and owning your own space my moving energy with intention is the act of a sovereign being. Merging when we feel the illusion of separateness. Reclaiming an identity that has been yours all along, but now stepping into it. Overcoming fear. A part of identity coming out of hiding, confines, and collective programming, and claiming the throne. Embodying the alignment of personal Truth.
🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes 🤍