There is heart healing today. Tending a flame that needs attention. Messages, interactions, connections, all coming forward to rekindle and once again be ignited. These could be friends and lovers from the past, unfinished and desiring to restore, patch up and make right. This energy is also about the flame that resides within the heart and the sacral. The very kundalini energy that brings self-healing to times and places within Self that went unheard, unseen, and unattended. Where has something been left open-ended without resolution? Heart space is activated.
The World card brings closure to unfinished and transitional moments. A matriculation where once the answers were not available, where it was thought that time closed the cold case, the information is now present and available for you to see clearly and bring it full circle. Once seemingly ghosted, now it all comes together in a perfect library of knowledge.
The Universe works in abundant ways. We are constantly manifesting, whether we’re trying or not, whether we’re consciously matching energy, or not. What comes from this is what you are exuding. There has been immense change and growth that is now revealed, disclosed, and unfolding into the environment for plain sight.
Removing psychic cords and hooks from the heart space. Be mindful of what you’re feeding your Soul through media, and scrolling. Attention to details when it comes to work, personal projects or life’s work. Noting that passion lights the path. It is clear who, what activities, and which situations match your frequency and those that do not. Today is about becoming conscious of what your energy is bringing to you and what you’re attracting. The anchor is you. Hope, Love, Believe in your purpose. Expanding into the Quantum Field of Unified Light.
🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes #marymagdalene #themagdalenes 🤍