There’s a shift today about choosing where you stand. This is a deep knowing of how you want to align in this life. There is mother lineage healing, recognition of your journey with Self, and a review of your True Purpose. The ebb and flow of how you show up with your purpose. Sometimes we’re all in, and sometimes we observe. There’s an inquiry about how you want to “Be.” On what do you wish to focus your powerful intention?
Grounding, getting off of an old timeline that keeps you in a thought process of the past, gently putting something to rest, taking time to get to know a different part of Self. We’ve got lots of Aquarian energy today, expansion allowing the visions to surface and connection with Universal energies.
While observing this otherworldly energy, the body needs to ground and feel safe. Specific energy field-management and physical grounding as well. Salt baths, hot springs, essential oils and aroma therapy. Things that physically bring you back into your body. Then it’s time to check in with your field. Where is your awareness? Raising frequency today is important.
You are not Earthbound. You are here because of your body, your soul gets to be here because of the body. You manifested this body. Being mindful of what you’re running through it.. thoughts are things. Energy currents in the body affect all layers of the aura. Connecting back in with what you want to feel in this life. Bringing your attention back to your present-time timeline. When you are aware of your energy, clicked in with your present-time timeline, you are in your most powerful healing space.
There is a young energy, “young love” that is being updated. It’s deeper, more focused, more acutely directed. It’s like waiting for something to fall in your lap vs. aligning with something and magnetizing it. There is power in your centering today.
🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes #themagdalenes #marymagdalene 🤍