Having to fight for your right to love or be loved, be nourished, be accepted, be trusted. Not getting the benefit of the doubt. Being seen as guilty until proven innocent. Today is about a time when you’ve had to overcome being in a dynamic that was not your true path. Place where you felt like you would be accepted, but you were not. A time you’ve had to trust yourself when no one else would. Epiphany from challenge.
When you are your own teacher. When you fiercely create your own nest, maybe because you have to, no one is going to create that safety for you, but it is better now that it’s exactly what you need. The soul lesson here is unique expression into the environment that you ultimately wanted to have happen faster, rather than later. And even though this may have taken a while to realize what was happening, this was faster than it would have been had there been reason to stay in a different type of nest.
Trusting in the connection you have with the Universe. Having compassion for Self when it feels like running through Jell-o. You are ultimately creating as you go, being made to exude creativity where perhaps you thought was none. Oh, it’s in there. And it was ignited. It’s time to dig into your uniqueness, your different way of being and seeing it as your strength. Look at your defenses and see the root of them. See where you no longer have to fight, it was something that you learned for a time when you needed it. Where in your communications can you soften with those who are there for your greatest connection?
Today the energy helps you to release any toxic astral debris that was attracted to layers of emotional trauma. Light Codes and DNA / Ancestral healing. You are the Calling for your lineage. A course redirection. Divine Destiny aligns. What has been difficult leads you to your ultimate success. You play a special role in the expanded oneness.
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