Deeply aligning with what brings great contentment. Identify those things and allow Self to be with them, to indulge in and connect with them. Ultimately these are the things that create strong self-esteem. When we connect with our True center and the things, people, places, and situations that bring contentment, we know our still point. We know our neutral. When we know our neutral, we know the extremes. And when we don’t take time to identify where we’re falling on the gamut, we can lose track of our purpose and get caught up in spiraling or drama.
Powerful change and transmutation is taking place right now. Being resourceful, having knowingness of true Self, and being able to balance emotions, anger, stress, and anxiety can make the process of change more graceful.
We have a lot of animal spirit with us today. These are animal spirit guides that are close to our hearts. Past pets, animal companions, and those spirits who have traveled with us through time and lives, together experiencing the 3D journey. They are here to help and soothe and create joy and connection, to help us not forget to play and that we are loved, even when we may not feel like it. They remind us to love ourselves.
Great healing is happening through this evolution. There are gifts and talents that have you doing tasks differently than the norm because you’ve brought the knowledge with you. Tapping into past-life consciousness. Using what you’ve learned to create in your present-time timeline. You have the Go message today. Opening the door to the Universe by being curious and saying Yes. Using your experience to be discerning. It is safe to travel. Check in with your knowingness, it will lead you down your lit path.
🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes #themagdalenes #marymagdalene 🤍