When light shines on family involvement concerning worth. Family dynamics and your role in those dynamics, your label. Protection and brining neutrality to triggers around who others told you to be or demanded that you were already. The identity others gave you to suit the dysfunctional family dynamic.
This life, this present-time moment, is an opportunity to er witness to this evolution. The cycle of remembering who your True identity is versus the identity caretakers and dysfunctional family dynamics Pidgeon-holed you to be. Confronting and releasing those energies who misinformed you about your strengths to keep you from becoming a threat to their weak hearts and characters.
The Star is shining bright in the middle, the star that is you, your Soul Star. The Divine Light of Source within your center. When you find the courage to love Self, to connect with the Source within you, Divinity Reigns. You step into your True alignment. All the obstacles were a way to get you to see.
Perseverance and inner creative energy keep complacency from weighing down the will to see through this illusion. Awareness of everyone being on their own path to enlightenment, to the Sea of Source. We assist each other out of the weeds, sometimes by showing them to each other. Our vessels are the alchemy temples. Your body is an altar. There is an element of connecting with simultaneous lives, with timelessness. Being able to reach far below into inner earth dimensions, and way far out into galaxies and solar systems. Journeying into no time – no space to heal and become aware of the Oneness of the Universe you are part of.
Becoming aware of your strength. Recognizing responsibility to Self. Tending the vulnerable parts of Self. Excavating and nurturing strengths you didn’t know you had. Illumination of these parts of Self in full moon energy. Healing when acknowledging the sacred part of Self.
Removing the docking station from the heart space where you have allowed others to park their punching bag.
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