The service and the time given to redeem oneself, though redemption wasn’t what was required in the first place. When a redirection comes, it can seem like we’ve “wasted time,” but there’s no such thing. (of time and of wasting it.)
There is only wisdom in experience. What brings us knowledge is knowing it firsthand. Gnosis. Having our own true experience and understanding a situation because we’ve gone through it. Whether this is ennui, grief, not being productive, or if we’ve focused on something we no longer find valuable and change direction completely, or we’ve been working on something for years and the time has come to lay down the sword. The service ultimately is to Self; How we hold our compassion for Self in any situation; On what and who we choose to spend our thoughts, energy, and resources.
With wisdom comes protection. We know what projections are. We know what is ours to hold and what is not. We learn to hold space for those who are not taking their full power in responsibility, and how to do this for ourselves. We know how to resolve within ourselves rather than give this power away. Desiring things from the outside or to control others no longer makes sense because we hold what is True within us.
The more we align in our Truth, the more others can do the same. When it is understood that everyone is on their path, in their own timeline of progress and here for their own soul lessons, the more we can observe and listen.
It’s okay to step out of situations and away from those who do not honor your boundaries. Today is about honoring Self and true love.
🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes #themagdalenes #marymagdalene 🤍