Today’s energy looks like some karma that has taken its course and it’s time to lay down the sword. Something that created feelings of emotional oppression, disappointment, intuitive information not being validated (by you or by someone else) has caused feelings of grief and silence, keeping things to oneself, and ultimately that causes sadness. In actuality, there are so many different paths to go instead of this one that is keeping you in silence or to yourself, in grief. Cutting away the weeds will help you see all the other ways to go!
The laying down of the karmic sword, transmuting with the Violet Flame, surrounding yourself with the energy of Love, the energy of the Magdalene, the energy of those who love you will help you in your self-care. This self-care is about soaking in love energy, recognizing worthiness, rather than relaxing. This self-care is more about doing some kind of healing work related to emotions.. and ultimately related to what you think you deserve.. what you’re telling yourself and what you know to be true seem to be two different things.
Clear your space, and get clear in your mind, get clear with your intentions, calls-to-action coming only from Higher-Self.