Divine Reflection


The moon is affecting everything, Blue Super Moon in Pisces. I’ve been feeling that for days already, but tomorrow is the biggie. Today We’re in the throws of emotion, not to mention the closing of Venus Retrograde, as it still overlaps Mercury Retro. So this is a potent time of disarrangement. Or it may feel that way. There is a need for discernment in the air.

Our Oracle talks about wisdom in this discernment. This isn’t a new cycle so much as it is spiraling back around and your wisdom and evolution is different this time around. You can say no, you can decide what you’re grounding into and what you’re letting wash over you. Your voice is prominent, that can be speaking your truth or expressing it, acting it out in some way, but it is your Truth. And your Truth comes from your heart.

When you stay in the timeline that engages the best parts of you, you will be moving within your purpose. You will be channeling that purpose like breathing water. Everything that has happened thus far has gotten you to this very place. And this is right where you need to be. There’s a pause to reflect about how far you’ve come, how best to align your resources, time, and intentions. There’s no question things have changed, and perhaps not as you would have expected. It’s time now to know the change in trajectory was a Divine Change.


The big picture is more important than the details. You are already doing what you came here to do by vibrating at the frequency of you, breathing the breath you breathe.. Now, what aligns with your heart in how you move forward? following your heart is the most important part of discernment.

Quantum Rose Oracle