The energy today is about intuition, channeling, receiving, and trusting what is coming through. There are third eyes being represented in the High Priestess and Air cards that are prominent. Receiving messages from the innermost layers of Self as well as seeing signs, synchronicities, and straight up messages from Spirit.. All in the energy of today.
It seems as though there are some doubts, resistance, or blocks to the full story. The Sun is reversed and half illuminating the information coming through. The Sun reversed does indicate to me that the Truth will come out, though there’s a delay, and a piece of this talks to not pursuing any negative self-speak around the mistrust of your intuition.
Healing those programs keeping you from trusting yourself is key here. You have what you need. The resources are there. Ever hear, “If you know you know.”? Well, you know. You already know.
If there are others or a particular someone in your life who is telling you to back up, side-step, perhaps gaslighting the snot out of you.. it’s time to heal that too. And do what you need to do to stand fully in your power and direct that immense energy that is yours. You deserve to manifest, be abundant, and receive what you desire. If anyone infers this is somehow not the case, that is a blaring illumination.. perhaps the one that is not yet obvi.
There is a container that is needed in which to direct your energy. You already have the resources to do this. You have what you need, use what you have.