I feel like we test ourselves sometimes. I’m not so sure about the Universe testing us, as I feel like the Universe gives us what we’re vibrating.. So if we test ourselves, the Universe will comply. And why would we do such a thing? Why would our Higher-Self put us through a test? I think it has more to do with our Higher-Selves understanding how important it is for our 3D selves to know our Strength and how far we’ve come, to see our journey from before to present, to use the duality we have to understand how we evolve.
Contemplation of seemingly shadowy setbacks in our path ultimately show us the brightest truths. And when we move through to our highest potential despite these smoke-and-mirror follies, we see that there is only light. There is only love.
Whatever shadowy parts of Self that try and keep you safe by keeping you small are in for the surprise of their tiny tunnel visions because those crevices are about to light up and integrate into not only healing yourself, but the healing of all who enter your life.
It’s time to take the cup. It’s time to create what you’ve been seeing in your mind’s eye and call in and merge with your Council of Light.
Your Council of Light includes you. You are part of that council. You are the mentor and the seeker, just as your council learn from you, they assist you. Call in your most trusted souls and ask them to be with you to light your path so that there’s no way to miss your next steps.