It’s time to evaluate all the opportunities available. Which are ready to come into existence and which are those that are taking time and space in your field, but aren’t helping you with your True focus in present time? Worrying, ongoing anger, ruminating on something of the past, all of those things won’t make anything better, or change the energy now.
How are you feeling Divine today? Connected? This energy feels old. Old and past wounds being looked at once again. What would happen if you allowed those wounds to lift up and off of your 3D body? What would happen if you Bathed in sacred waters and let any past holding you back go down the drain? Or what if you asked the Magdalenes, your angels, and guides, to take these emotional and mental burdens away so that you can do the work of channeling Spirit you came to do?
Be in the cosmic cycle. Be Spirit and Matter at the same time. This is what being human is. We are Divine creatures doing Divine work, yet somehow we’ve gotten the program wrong. Somehow we minimize our time here in these lives, though what we focus on is what we take with us energetically, our soul lessons. What are the patterns you experience identifying your soul lessons? How can you look at those in an evolved way today and perhaps move forward from them?