Coming back to the start. How did you get here, how did you come so far? And what does that have to do with where you are going? Everything has led you to this moment. And now a rebirth is happening. A pause and then a great reward, a great swoosh of energy forward—a quickening.
There is so much energy here about connecting to Self. Dropping into your True-Self to find that Truth, and letting go of what you may have believed as true, but are now realizing were others’ projections onto you, benevolent or not, collective energy, shoulds.
When you take the throne within you, when you let go of what you thought of as grounding before, when you rely solely on Self to guide you, the abundance reigns. Perhaps rains! You are open to receive when you move through and beyond what you thought were disappointments or things that didn’t come into fruition the way you wanted them to.
Very much doing things in alignment with Self is the path. No obstacle can keep you from doing this but the self-imposed obstacle of the mind. It is time, it is safe to follow your deep heart. Not only safe, but it is Divine. Fate is what you are presented with in this life. Destiny is what you do with the presentation. You were made for this. Your experience has brought you to this moment. You are ready to utilize all of the past-life gifts, talents, and skills you’ve accumulated for this endeavor.
Be action-oriented and follow the Yes in your deep heart of hearts. Be fearless.