The epiphanies you have affect the collective. When you have realizations, the focus of that thought, that understanding, is channeled to the collective and becomes stronger the more we validate that awareness. This makes it more and more accessible in the collective for others to click into this awareness. Challenges, lessons, and loss are all here to bring us closer to Oneness, as are connectedness, collaboration, and love.
The bridge between the worlds is love. Moving into no-time/no-space and sensing the More there is besides what is seen with the eyes, more beings, more angels & guides, more expansion, more awareness, dimensions, layers of you, deeper existence. Raising frequency by noticing where love has not been and extending it to those places, by being in amusement and joy, by breaking through the barriers and having awareness of these layers.
Attraction of our tribe starts with recognizing the energy of your heart and following what draws its gaze. The more we listen to our heart and recognize our True purpose in the crystalline grid, the more we radiate, the more we send our Light out, the more we draw our spirit clan into being.
There is a sense of holding back because of overwhelm. So much at once seems like it would be too much, though so much at once breaks open the chrysalis and lets the light, the awareness in. Moving past the flooding of light is easier than you think, more rewarding than fear. The longevity of this love is infinite. It’s Divine. It’s the clear way through. Calm is clear, neutrality is clear. Trigger is fear.
Acknowledging that your very presence is important to the Universal dynamic of healing and expanding. Looking at what contains you in present-time, keeps you safe or holds you back, and then channeling your Light Language, your Light Consciousness into the world. Create bridges outside of the layers of construct. Connecting in with your True Essence, clearing space so as not to confuse your thoughts and what you’re sensing with others’ energy in your space, so you’re in your own energy. What is your Truth from this perspective?