Prominent themes showing up the last couple of days are appearing again today. Answering the call, seeing the big picture, and huge expansion all at once. There is momentum behind taking action and stepping into the power that hasn’t been claimed yet. This has to do with stepping into alignment. Aligned Action. Knowing clearly the path and taking it.
There’s an end to an old way because it can no longer sustain the immense capacity of energy you’re now capable of holding. There is a decision to be made, do the thing or what? Not do the thing? It seems there is no choice but to go forward, though this power comes from being a willing participant.
There is magic in this expansion, in this recognition of Goddess within. There is a radical Self-Change, boundaries to be made in this new field of consciousness, and recognizing this change is going the distance. Releasing what oppresses this timeline and flying free with wonder and connected understanding of where this new path leads. What Truth within you it unveils.
Bringing order to chaos by making a decision to align with the path forward. The momentum is fierce and auspicious.