There is so much energy today around freedom and what that is. There is a feeling of purpose in freeing ourselves from all the things that keep us in oppression. That freedom comes from having knowingness about our own divinity. The Life Spark, the Divine Star within, the God part of ourselves that, in the collective, can be lost, forgotten, or pushed down or away behind the veil. We are here to remember.
The Empress does not chase, but that doesn’t mean she does not seek. She is deeply connected to Self and understands the light and the shadow, and what it is to be present. Being present in this freedom of divinity. When you know this about yourself, all energies change around you with awareness as well.
There is an awakening coming through, a new epiphany, a new understanding to this feminine divinity. This understanding of why we choose to come to the earth and be in these forms, releasing a freedom, in a sense, and choosing containers. We come here to experience what it is like to channel light from a dense form. What it’s like to raise frequency from density.
In this life we become loyal to our parts. We learn to act and react and draw to us the things that reflect the way we are expressing our divinity in each moment. Recognizing that you are your freedom, you are your soul mate, you are the one who brings this awareness to light in your environment.
Noticing where you experience fear and resistance will bring you closer to understanding what will set you free. When you find and experience the freedom of the divinity within you, you help others see this light too. Recognizing you can feel freedom in any moment, connect with the alignment of you. Your True essence energy is Love.