Becoming aware of your energy, the energy around you, and determining how to wield it. How to organize your energy so that you are aligned in your own Truth. This requires seeing all of you, your shadows and your light. It requires shining light into the shadows. and what better way to do that but by bringing them to the surface.. You can be aware and work with this consciously, recognizing triggers, upsets and judgements you hold and dive right in.
There are wounds around authority, taking control, and taking on too much. The antithesis to this is allowing. What happens when you allow? With clarity, there is movement into taking on more, which also gives the opportunity to allow more, to be in curiosity and energy-experiment mode.
Releasing anger where apologies were owed, but not delivered. What happens when you have to self-resolve? Where can you find peace? How can you get neutral to perhaps misrepresentation or betrayal?
Creating situations of trust and containers for love, following your true dharma and moving through any projections or situations that would distract from that calling or purpose with love and grace with clear direction. You’re finding the true place in which to shine your light. As you shine bright, your tribe will appear.
Alignment happens when you allow your Light Codes to channel through you with intention and purpose. With the intention to reach the wounded parts and clear away others’ projections lodged in your field.