The thing that is you, the light, the expression of light wanting to overflow out of you, may feel like angsty frustration right now. A realization that takes place brings this light to the surface and expressing it means perhaps changing up the way you’ve been doing life. There’s an ancient calling coming forward through you, your inner child knew instinctively what energy wanted to come through you, and now it’s time to acknowledge it once again.
Time is never wasted. We have that saying, “wasting time,” though our time isn’t really wasted. We are doing exactly what we’re here to do by breathing. Our purpose, so to speak, can be translated through actions in so many ways. “Finding our purpose” really means, “How can I feel connected with Source?” because you already are. Doing things that make us feel connected to Source seem to fulfill the purpose to the 3D-Self, though we’re already doing it, by breathing. Finding peace through Source connection, or all the ways we have contrast up to the point of feeling peace, is not time wasted, it is wisdom gained, and not only for Self, but for the dimensions into which this wisdom ripples.
Your heart is opening to a stream of consciousness that feels more True than any other Stream thus far. You are crossing the bridge and you are the conduit at the same time. Moving out of the cave takes courage. Inspiration is what lights the heart path.
Giving Self some space to be what it was before what it is now. Allowing grace and forgiveness of Self for being in survival, for knowing contrast in order to know Light.