In a final veil of cognitive dissonance, this form of shock, I continue to see the Light beyond the cave. What has brought me to the Truths I’ve needed to excavate have come to me through tuning into the Divine, channeling, and recognizing my own star of Source within. How could this have been hidden from us for so long?
A Turbulent and victimizing experience ultimately brought me to a Divine Truth that I know was a core soul lesson for me in this life. It was an initiation. A birth. A rebirth. Layer after layer, moving through the veils, the secretive mysteries were uncovered.
Through the ongoing study of Divine Birth Priestesses and my own connection with this lineage, I feel that we, The Magdalenes, find each other. We’re magnetized by our True Spirits and we’re coming forward in our life’s works and alignment with our birthrights. Moving through the veils to our Truths, coming to realizations about how we got here and why our missions here have been events to overcome and heal from…bring us to our Wisdom.
We are the Magdalenes.