Today’s message is all about channeling creativity. We are constant channelers. It is what we do naturally. We are connected with spirit as a creative force and there’s nothing we can do but channel energy. This is our nature. Like breathing, like experiencing, we flow cosmic energy, cosmic thought, into light.
We have so many abundance cards today, birth and rebirth, returning to the inner artist, fire, spirit, and creation energy is present. Moving our gifts into the public. Into our environment. Being a constant force of creative nature.
What is also present is energy brining our awareness to sabotage. Self-sabotage, or sabotage from people, places, situations, and things that are draining and keep us from channeling at our most pure level.
When we encounter these blocks and resistances, it’s about becoming aware of our presence. What is agitating and what we come up against that gives us fire. That makes us angry-into-action. Or agitated-into-action! It gives us the opportunity to fight for what we desire to bring forth into the world.
When we feel as if we need to shelter ourselves, protect ourselves, keep ourselves safe and not rock the boat, or not share in fear of sneak thievery, we are keeping our power and light and creativity from exuding from our being as it wants to naturally do! We are the answer to this resistance.
There is more abundance in the Universe than could ever keep us from it. Clear that program that says there are limited resources. We are the only ones keeping us from our True Divine Currency. Take inventory of who and what you surround yourself with and what drains you and your spirit. What keeps you from your flow? And what do you need in order to reestablish this open connection to the Universe once again? Take those steps to re-engage with your Light. 🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes 🤍