The lessons that make us wise. Present today are memories of false promises once made that eluded to commitment and ease. These are situations and relationships coming up from the past that you know inside-outside-upside-down.
We have 2 pages of cups today! This energy indicates sweet kisses, an early-on time-frame in the cycle, and possibly immature energy, wishful energy. A time when perhaps it was learned that intentions do not sometimes lead to follow-through. This can look like false promises coming back around somehow, but this time you recognize you don’t have to immediately jump in the pool. You can observe and align and make decisions from a place that isn’t so charged with passion and excitement, whether it’s desire or romantic thinking.
There’s an element here of a situation or someone benefitting from your creativity and affection, yet it not being reciprocated with the same energy. Perhaps you weren’t receiving back what you were naturally exuding. This could have left you feeling drained and disappointed, maybe initially confused.
In present-time, you’re able to see through any fog, recognize this pattern early-on, and clear your space accordingly! Wisdom is conscious and prevails. Past experiences have brought that insight forward and you no longer need to lament to know your power. There’s a learning here about trust: trusting others to be who they are, and trusting your own vibes. If there is lingering energy of past relationships or situation-ships that still need clearing, today’s the day. Divine Guidance and Galactic Fam remind you of your power.
🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes 🤍