You are starlight. There is bright energy and light emanating from you and others notice. Maybe they notice right away. Maybe it’s subconscious, but this energy glows and they want to match it, be around, perhaps take it. This is impossible, however. No one can take this light that you came here to channel. You created a vessel specifically for channeling a particular light consciousness while you are here and it is unique to you.
Moving through this 3D journey, we move through many experiences to remind us of this light channel that we are. We experience the gamut of emotion and the frequencies of energy, we do a dance of back and forth matching and unmatching the energies that we’re exploring. We learn through this process. We feel loss and luck, longing and freedom.
We have 29 again today, releasing attachment to outcomes, no matter how much we want to control the outcome, let it go into the Universe and see what comes back. We have two 10s of swords. This is a doozy of a release of old patterns and cycles that were not easy. We have Taurus, 5th house, and South Node, these releasing of past cycles come all the way from past lives carried forward into this one.
The things to focus on include the practicalities of what feels like disaster. What do you truly need in this moment. Do you have it? How can you replenish for yourself? There is an adjustment to self-speak that needs to be made. A re-understanding of reality. Coming back to a reality that isn’t so fantastical when it comes to a specific situation. Thinking about something one way and realizing it is another. Cognitive dissonance being worked through with this one.
There is also a sense of divine intervention, being removed from a situation that was not meant for you. Ultimately, you will re-align with that true light that is you and recognize the self-worth that was veiled through this soul lesson. This can be an immense healing time bringing you back to your Self. The rewards outweigh any strife and teach how to channel desires even more acutely.
🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes 🤍