Radical self-development, radical self-love, radical self-acceptance and allowing that light to shine on you and through you. Having reverence and loving something, a devotion, nurturing something (aside from Self) like the earth or a garden, and allowing it to love you back. Feeling devotion reciprocated. Allowing that love energy pour from you and to you. Receiving. There is a connection to an energy that is available now that was once elusive.
Themes today are around having learned lessons and a contract being fulfilled. Having played the part, seen what you’ve set out to see, a soul lesson has been obtained. A foundation has been created. It’s time to acknowledge Divine Self.
We have two 29s. 29 is all about transformation, feeling energies that may not be apparent to others, bringing peaceful energy to the planet, and having and acting out Divine purpose. 29 is a prime number and only divisible by 1. There is meaning here with the Cave and Nirvana Quartz. Finding your sanctuary and knowing that it exists within you. Alignment within. You are the One.
Leo energy, the sun, fortune and the 5th house. This energy is about Self, shining, being illuminated. Celebrating within this life. Connecting with the suns and shining from within, exuding out into the world with no connection or attachment to an outcome or goal. To shine simply because you shine.
Today there is a sense that lessons have taken place and there has been a natural progression forward away from strife, confusion, and any kind of manipulation you’ve endured. There is a switching of channels. Changing of the guard. A stepping into a light and out of a coldness. Being on the other side, no longer in need of sacrificing for an end. In fact, there is no need to relearn or re-do this lesson. Wisdom has been gained and granted. A healing has happened in all directions of time and space.
🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes 🤍