Today’s energy is about eradicating guilt and shame. Anyone who gaslights and guilts and shames is full of this program themselves. The faster we identify what this is the faster we can recognize this is not personal and it’s not about you, we clear this program from the collective.
A recommitment, a rededication to Self, to the Goddess that is you. How do you come forward today in your Magdalene presence, Goddess? What you say to yourself, what we say out loud, these words are important. Words shape the energy in your field and what becomes the things that surround you. “Every word I say becomes a prayer. I am the author of my own story.”—Lalla
It is time to speak your Truth by doing and acting out what is True for you. Remembering your Truth. Recognizing what resonates and what does not. What is in your field because it’s habit, but it’s really not aligning with you?
There is important discernment here. Boundaries that create themselves energetically when you stand in your power by choosing what is best for you instead of everyone and everything around you. Consider forgiving yourself for any secrets you keep and don’t speak of out of guilt or shame. What if that program was eradicated? What if, instead, it was replaced by “ I AM inherently Good?” What would these secrets mean then?
Reclaiming gold. Remembering who you are.
You are Abundance and the Universe. You are this energy. Knowing this brings incredible autonomy and personal power.
“If we let it, the fact that we are Good—that truth alone—can transform our entire lives.” —Meggan Watterson 🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes 🤍