Today there is energy of wisdom, grace, and elegance, gentleness and fierceness together. We have 2 Athena cards, the Gazelle, and pentacles. We have moving from complete comfort to stepping out of the cozy place to experience something where full power is accessible, but perhaps hasn’t been utilized yet.
Any toxic energies around you, within you, it is now time to gently but persistently release those imbalances. With a compassionate heart and a big-picture understanding about where these energies derived, and where they are now going, you can easily and effortlessly release from your field unwanted energies, relationships, and situations that no longer support your wisdom journey.
Today is about raising your frequency, recognizing your power as if it is what it is. No need for wielding a sword, use knowingness of your strength and sovereignty to step into that energy, no fight is needed when knowingness is already available.. You don’t have to prove anything. It’s already there.
This rebellion is perhaps releasing a desire to create comfort for others instead of being comfortable yourself. Today it’s time to claim your power alignment, to align with your destiny, and to click in with the Divinity that is you. What has held you back in the past may look like obligations, living in two different worlds, having to go back and forth, working hard to make something appear in life, is no longer bringing the results. It’s time to drop what you’re carrying and step into the pillar of light that is your Divine presence.
🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes 🤍