Today there is a deep exploration into the unconscious. The symbols we see that rattle the distant patterns we put away, or way down, a long time ago are showing themselves. We watch for wishful thinking, getting caught up in fantasy instead of dreaming into reality. There is some lamenting energy here, instead of purposeful creative energy being brought into the field of now. Anything you relate with self-sabotage, it’s time to find the root. Energy of someone else’s projection that we take on as our own and realization of this today.
The things that didn’t come into fruition, or they did, but not in a way that was complete. A full circle, that didn’t end in the culmination the Personality-Self had in mind. We’re dealing with judgment, perhaps self-judgment, strength alignments, and struggle. These experiences have been genuine soul lessons. These are the experiences that lit the path and pointed the direction of True North, though the 3D wasn’t yet matching.
We’re being asked to integrate what needs to be reconciled within Self. Bringing forward guides of Love and Trust. The full moon is approaching. For the next 3 days, calling in those Divine beings to hold space as you move into wholeness from duality, acknowledge, accept, and release. Feeling into the contentment and the power of being outside of desire and promises of joy vs. True happiness.
When there is an unknowing, an excitement for what is to come, this can be prime manifesting energy, but when it becomes lament or longing, something is amiss. A misalignment to consider, ultimately the Higher-Self saying adjustments with this particular thing are called for. When this memory, pattern, moment from the past drifts up to the surface, fill it with love and blossoms, breathe into it, bless it with the Divinity that is you, and send it to the Central Galactic Sun. The best is yet to come.
🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes 🤍