Today’s messages talk about exhaling and taking in the beautiful energy that you are a part of. It’s about being One with the Universe and not separate from it.
By reflecting and becoming conscious of the things we collect, covet, and worship knowingly and unknowingly, we recognize these unique gifts as the hints about what energy you came to exude from your starlight into the environment and the present-time timeline. This realization helps to make cognizant choices of what we will into being, heal, and where we direct attention.
Your Divine Spirit is calling you to look out of the vessel, see what you are here for, what you came to experience. Your soul lessons have already given you sacred intelligence beyond the imaginable. What are the patterns that have brought you expert wisdom?
There is a standing up for the love that you embody. Not just your personality-self identity, but honoring the Divinity that you are. This can be coming even more into your “sight.” Seeing with the Mind’s eye, connecting with the awareness that holds the Truth about your being, why you’ve come, and where you’ve learned the intrinsic skills and talents you were born with in this life. What has brought you here? What is your drive and attention directing you toward in this life?
I AM love. I AM important. I AM Purposeful. I AM unique. I AM Divinely Guided. I Am Spirit and Physical. I AM open to receive my Divine-Right Potential and step into it fully.
🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes 🤍