Today’s message is an interesting one.. The themes that come forward are High Priestess energies, being caught in headspace, over-thinking, being at a crossroads when it comes to choosing what to focus on mentally, Divine Feminine energy. There is illumination here, a light shining on an old pattern, perhaps one thought to be over, decided or dealt with.
There is a veil that hovers above, taunting to be dropped yet again, but there’s also a knowingness of what this veil represents. And it’s one that you can’t unknow. There’s a magickal-thinking aspect that feels good. It is a hypnosis that is self-induced, that can have to do with focus on outside validation. Yet this time, a choice is made to go deeper. To not give in to this focus, but instead accept all of you. Every last little bit. This is the way.
The oppression of a collective comfort dilutes the gnosis that you can be ethereal and 3D together. That your holiness and worthiness are undeniable because you know. Once you know, your power is greater than any fear. When you desire something because you can’t have it, or it is unavailable, you may be denying the part of yourself that is already whole. In this instance, the red flag is a friend illuminating this false belief. What do you long for? Where is that deep root? 🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes 🤍