When something leaves from the energetic field, the 3D body feels the loss. Sometimes we grieve, sometimes we’re relieved, sometimes, we’re elated when this happens. We’ve come to this life, this vessel, to experience the gamut of emotion and body sensations as part of understanding density, Earth, and transmutation.
The Soul is resourceful! Our bodies are regenerative. We are constantly ebbing and flowing with our energy, refocusing into altered states, moving on and off our timeline as we flow into other streams of consciousness. It’s important to be aware and with your intention, move back into your Divine right timeline after engaging in media, conversations with others, and being in different situations throughout the day. We drop our alertness, we become alert again. We engage, we ground. It’s the nature of us and the ebb and flow of the energy moving within and around us.
Messages today talk about particular relationships where the ties are deep, perhaps karmic or past-life, soul pod even, when letting go is different. When there seems to be more of a soul lesson with the end of a cycle or full circle. There’s a feeling of being halted or stuck in one place, not being able to fully move away from an energy that is threatening to go. That very threat is about power and control. It takes away the natural ebb and flow. It is an illusion. Our bodies feel the shift, but in truth, we lose nothing. The true love and connection never dissipates.
There is more, there is more, there is more. There is always more than enough, there is always love, and there is always consciousness. We can step into it at any time. We can raise our frequency at any time, we are sovereign always.
🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes 🤍