Bringing things close to home today. And home is the body, the soul. The container you, the observer, resides in. Shining through and emanating from that altar. Your destiny reveals itself in subtle ways each day. This is where you expand, what you protect, what you take on even when there’s no more room to take anything else. It’s a knowingness, not a dream. It’s already there. We are reminded that “everything comes from within.”
We are the creators. We belong when we create from our own being, not when we step into a different timeline to suit someone else or a plan that is not our own. Sometimes exploding what confines, destroying foundations and matrixes is exactly what is needed in order to create. You are protected to do just this. What needs to be destroyed in order for the aligned thing to come into place? When you see through the eyes of the heart, the soul, you are in your Divine authenticity. When what is familiar and safe no longer aligns, it’s time to recreate.
A deep dive may be needed at this time, to excavate dreams that have been halted or altered to fit a mold or a way that looks good… There’s a knowingness that it’s not complete. There is powerful channeling energy today, your being wanting to channel through you, the Divine aspect of Self shining through and out into the world. To do this, clear space, bless water and drink it, click in with what you’re channeling through. What is your soul saying to you? What part of you is speaking? What part of you is lighting up?
This spiritual part of self is helping unlock doors that seem like walls. Ultimately, this is about being comfortable in your own way of being, comfortable in your skin. Feeling whole, that no other thing completes you.
🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes 🤍