Today’s message is about speaking, knowing your Truth. The Truth that you are a Divine being, the Truth that you are a Soul and a Body, the Truth that your experience brings your Truth forward and that you are your great teacher. Your relativity, your experience is valid and your Truth is derived from your experience. Regret is reflection that wants to be unburied, seen, heard, and evolved into the Truth you embody in present-time.
What stories were told to you, perhaps in your family of origin, what secrets did the group hold, perhaps unspoken rules that everyone followed, that no longer apply to you in this moment? What secrets have you held for others that you are no longer willing to hold? It’s always interesting to me when cards repeat themselves. We have the Secret card again today, as we did yesterday, but it’s reversed.. the releasing of these secrets, the deterioration of secrets is now in play. Freedom comes when you release these unspoken rules, to hold what is not yours to hold.
Three of Wands is present twice today. You are manifesting divinely even when you’re not focusing on what you’re magnetizing. You are magnetizing the energy of what is perfect for you to experience, learn, and see in each moment. There are opportunities and journeys coming that are about to arrive at your door.
Your Truth is Freedom. Your Truth is Divine. It guides you and lights your path, your next steps. Your Home is not always the confines of a place. Your home is your Truth, your Divinity.
“If we can see with the eye of the heart, there is no separation between this world and the next. Love endures the loss of the physical body.”—Meggan Watterson
What has naturally cycled to a full circle in your life? Jobs, relationships, ways of thinking, understanding the world around you.. What have you evolved away from? There are new endeavors ready to be received. Are you open to receiving the new? What Truth has surfaced that has evolved for you? What disappointments have led you on your path to something greater? 🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes 🤍