“Divine detours, the value of not getting what you think you want, discovering greater treasure when you are forced to change course.”—Dream Weavers Oracle
Today’s message is about being given the gift of Divine detour. It’s about attachment, surrender, and trust. Where your destiny takes you. Obstacles that ultimately steer your direction.
It’s important to be conscious of what you’re allowing into your field, your nourishment, what you eat, who you surround yourself with, what and who you read, and watch, and listen to. What is affecting your mood, what you’re thinking, what you’re manifesting and drawing to you.
We’ve got two elephant spirits today. Doubling down on memory, what has come before, and learning from the past in order to have a richer future. There is so much here about love and what we think love is vs. what love truly is. What fantasy is and what true actions reveal.
Falling in love with potential is falling in love with potential. It’s beautiful for a person or situation’s potential to be witnessed in this way. Healing. But in the long run, one must step into their potential for it to flourish. Today is about a time when you’ve healed or are healing from still. A time when potential abounded, yet perhaps did not take form.
“You can lead a horse to water..” You can see the starlight in potential all day long. It’s there and it’s beautiful. Your gifts are the ones you can bring forward from this quantum abyss. Recognizing you don’t have control over others’ potential and what they choose to do with it is, actually, empowering.
Falling in love with potential can lead to obsession and longing and feelings of loss that create a cycle of addiction. The cure to this is becoming obsessed with channeling your own creativity. Stepping from this addiction cycle and into a new world that has you recognizing your own immense possibility. What do you wish for and how you can bring that forward in the world. 🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes 🤍