There’s a time to persevere and there’s a time to harvest. Today’s energy rests. It observes before the Harvest. It evaluates attachments Seeing the value in the journey, looking back at what has been learned along the way instead of devaluing the straight trip. We have the Riddle card. Solving the Riddle of life can be a constant thing. It can be the always quandary, or we can be in flow and ride the waves with reverence.
It seems a new passion stirs away from an old one. This can be a total shift in what is focused on at work, practical approaches to grand schemes, or a complete change in the image of what purpose is. A mission-statement re-do after a long time of the same focused mission.
The achievements and goals are in the air with no target. Some need to rearrange. This can feel agitating, this knowingness for the need for change. Self-imposed responsibilities being laid down can feel like defeat, or like letting others down, though this is your time and energy and effort. If there is need for recreation, it must be followed.
We have 2 Creatrix cards today. This is the beginning of an empire that must be nurtured into the physical. We’ve had the Crone energy of wisdom, now we see the Mother energy of cultivating and encouraging growth with love. There’s a need to cut cords with something that was once nurtured into existence as this will be, and that can be bitter sweet.
A ceremony or lighting a candle and acknowledging reverence may be just the thing, because this fiery creative force has arrived. Tie up loose ends now instead of having to circle back. Assess realistically what wants to happen and how that can come into fruition. Everything you have encountered has brought you to where you are right now. No accidents, no coincidences, only synchronicity. There is healing in recognition of non-separateness. Every moment has played its part and there is a big picture you naturally gravitate toward. Today we honor death and rebirth.
🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes #themagdalenes #marymagdalene 🤍