Exuding Triumph

There is a distinct moving-on today. We have the mobius and the waxing Gibbous and the Waxing Crescent leading us to our next journey, phase, and bringing us out of a frozen moment with illumination. From Spring to Fall is important timing that comes up again today. The protector and life-long guide appears with the messages about directing your energy rather than letting be directed by someone or something outside of Self. Taking control of your direction.

Keys are prominent indicating doors we lock, time travel, keys we give others to open those doors or locking doors so that there is not that possibility. Intuitively you may feel someone or a situation lurking that lost its chance. Recognizing your true dynamic rather than taking on belief that has been projected onto you about what your roles are. Getting information psychically and wishful thinking are different things. Assess a situation for what it is, lingering energies need tending and given a container.

Above all, there is nothing you have missed. You’ve gotten all the information to make a decision and come full circle. There is nothing that still needs to be processed. You learned the soul lesson you came for. The Gem is you. The Gem is what you excavated from deep within, what you needed from this moment, and now you can use that illuminated wisdom going forward. Whatever kept you, now propels you.

This is an exciting time to tap into this spark of epiphany for manifesting and channeling Divine Consciousness. There is something bigger than the experience or person or thing you are releasing in this cycle. This energy lifts you up and out and grounds at the same time, giving you purpose and splendor. Finding your connection in the world, why you’ve come, your place in the grand spiral. There is an illumination today that is undeniable. The Truth you seek comes from your own vision of experience. This is your experience.

Something that was once misrepresented is now known fully. Moving toward what matches your values and away from the things that fight your worth. Flowing into supportive dimensions and out of misalignment.

🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes #themagdalenes #marymagdalene

Quantum Rose Oracle