Today there is a level up, a stepping through a gate. It seems that no matter where you stand, you are able to see many dimensions where there was only one visible before. Clairvoyance and knowingness are heightened today. The veil drops and you see clearly what has been resistance holding you in place, and now what has dissolved giving full view.
The more you see, the more you are seen. These blocks or layers that have been held together previously were being useful. They were holding fear and programming that perpetuated keeping busyness prominent, attempts at alignment with things, people, places, and situations that didn’t match, and keeping false beliefs of unworthiness active. In other words, preserving drama to distract from awareness. Well, no more.
Indulgence on the Home that is you is coming in loud and clear. The more you ground, the stronger it gets. The more you set your space, the stronger it gets. The more you commune with your Higher-Self and your Angels and Guides of the highest vibrations of True Love and Light and wisdom, the more seamless the connection.
The same is true for connecting in with your I AM presence. This is a stream of consciousness that naturally flows through you. When you connect with it, call it in, the stronger, the more pronounced it becomes in your field. By working with your subconscious mind and the beliefs in your field, you change your awareness and you change the physical by channeling spirit into your alignment. Channeling spirit through the body. It exudes out from you and into your environment. This changes the things around you. It raises the frequency of the activities you engage with and creates a new way of seeing. This opens the vision and awareness of other timelines, other dimensions, and in turn, opens your compassionate heart.
Your heart is a portal of great consciousness. I AM Conscious, I AM Present, I AM Divine Light, I AM Channeling Divine Consciousness, I AM Sacred Vision, I AM Love, I AM Wisdom, I AM Sovereign, I AM Aware, I AM Enough.
🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes #themagdalenes #marymagdalene 🤍