Have you ever had someone say something to dim your joy, take the wind out of your sails, gaslight the success you’re having or otherwise take some kind of happiness away from you? When moments come up like this, it’s not time to wilt, take on this hit or go home. It’s time to go harder. It means you’re doing it right and someone is being triggered by your glow. Their programs and lack are trying to survive in the light. It’s not your job to accommodate their reactions and adjust your glow for them. Our job is to do our own internal excavations.
There is responsibility for Self today. To stand up for yourself and your time, space, how you want to feel and what you want to do. This is a time to surround yourself with people and places that support you, not diminish you. An inventory of what you’re entertaining in your field, your environment, your mind and who you’re allowing.
Turning point in your journey. Between now and the Fall significant growth and understanding. True Love and Light and Wisdom are available. Going forward with internal healing. Alchemy and transmutation of others energy in your space. Being in your own Divine-Right Timeline. Getting to your Zero-Point. Ego Death. The ability to recognize others’ weaknesses with compassion instead of being triggered. Discerning when you need to take responsibility versus deal with someone else’s projection.
Keeping your alignment with what lights your Path. This is your experience. Allowing others to infringe on this is a choice. Peaceful Warrior Light. Taking action with clarity and clear consciousness. Shedding old skin. Acknowledging personal evolution. Grounding into the heart of Self. Honoring Soul Self. Soul lessons around what we project and what others project onto us. Personal Energy Management. Contemplation around being Physical and Spirit at the same time. Your True Home.
🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes #themagdalenes #marymagdalene 🤍