Moving through timelines and dimensions, from one to the other, perhaps noticing, perhaps not. We have several references of magical horses today, and that’s exactly where they’re taking us. From one dimension to the next, from 3D, to 4D, to 5D, interchangeably, and that can have quite the recalibration that comes with it. Energy is fast and the body takes a minute to catch up with the Light Body and energetic shifts.
The change, from our last couple of days, is present again today. If feels long-time-coming and could only happen in steps. From here to here to there. Stepping stones got you to this change and shift, and were needed. A full-on happening in 24 hours was not was this was about. It was an experiential process. This is an auspicious change that brings you to your next shore. It feels like a calling, things falling into place, the path being lit one step after the other, a Divinely guided journey into an unknown place, feeling safely held and a feeling of being ready to cross the bridge you’ve come upon.
This journey, though it may seem new, is actually bringing you back to something you’ve already known before. As if you’re moving into a layer of life you’ve already mastered in Lemuria. It’s time to bring what you learned there, here into present-time, into this consciousness. It is needed now, you are ready, the collective is ready, it is time to bloom in this life.
Other messages are around work that doesn’t feel like work bringing prosperity. Lots of Spirit horses, the Hunter, Epona, A Change in the Wind. Roses and blooms, crystals and Crystalline energy, vibin’ Violet Flame. This is all raising frequency, astral travel, and channeling spirit into the present physical.
Any shade thrown your way to disrupt your travels to nudge you off your path, it turns to flowers, you’re transmuting energy that comes toward you. There’s New Moon energy, the waning crescent, and that seems like a timeframe today. The next New Moon is significant.
🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes #themagdalenes #marymagdalene 🤍