Athena has come up synchronistically the past few days. Goddess of Wisdom, Strategic War, Weaving, and Disambiguation. Today there is a call to look beneath the surface at true meanings of words and gestures, yours and others’; what lies beneath situations that arise and how they connect with what your Higher-Self is bringing to your attention.
There is more than what is plainly seen. We, as a culture, tend to mostly aim to be socially acceptable. There are times when insinuations and communications are being made, working with the rules of social norms. Seeing past this vagueness, and Indirect communication, looking deeper into the meaning that is important for you there. Do you even need to worry yourself with it?
Compassion and an awareness of relativity is needed when connecting with others today. This goes for you too. Making choices to be on your lit path may include a nonnegotiable of clear intentions and clear speaking. If that isn’t available, there is a mismatch. There’s an energy of game-playing that isn’t going to take hold when it is recognized in the moment. You have the power to decide to play the game or choose not to.
Returning to creative Self, releasing situations, memories, and relationships that are draining to the soul. These are no longer needed for your evolution. You’ve already processed and over-processed. You don’t need to learn the lesson again. You’ve already got the wisdom you require. You haven’t missed anything. You have all the information, and with that, the capacity to transmute, heal, and create.
🤍 #magdalene, messages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes 🤍