Learn to channel in the Quantum Rose Oracle year-long Channeling Training and become a certified Quantum Rose Oracle
You are the Oracle
We are truly all psychic. We naturally channel all the live-long day. We are using our third eye and our imaginations, which, for a lot of us, have been labeled make-believe instead of what they truly are.. Powerful Creation Spaces and the part of ourselves that read energy. This dynamic part of our energetic consciousness and our spiritual anatomy has been minimized, but now it’s time to see…
It’s time to come out of a collective mist, and into the clarity of our senses. The connection with our Higher-Selves, the Universe, and our Galactic Family.
This program will move you into each of your clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient divinations. It will align you with how you uniquely connect with the Universe through your metaphysical senses.
All of the answers are within reach and within you and your connection to the Universe.
All of the Universe and Ascended Masters within it are conspiring with you and for you at all times. We only have to open to receive. So how do we do that?

Quantum Rose Oracle Certification
At the end of this year you will be confident in your alignment with yourself as an Oracle and a channel. This Quantum Rose Mystery School certification program is a culmination of year-long practice. You will receive a certificate at the end of the program and you will be recognized as a certified Quantum Rose Oracle.
We’ll be deep-diving and gathering in order to live this practice effortlessly, allowing, letting information and energy flow. The more you do it, the easier it gets.
We’ll be Diving In and connecting with different techniques, opening your awareness and creating open lines of communicaton by
• Space Setting with Intention
• Channeling Your Unique Light Language
• Reading Oracle Cards
• Automatic Writing
• Connecting with Specific Guides & Ascended Masters
• Receiving Guidance and Messages for Ourselves
• Reading energy for Ourselves and Each Other
This Program includes
3 workshops that set up the grid-work for our year of channeling
• The Magdalene Watchtowers—Healing and Space-holding • Introduction to Channeling Light Language, Creating Space for Intuitive Receiving & Connection
• Channeling & Automatic Writing
• You are the Oracle—Channeling through Mediumship, Card Divination, & Light Language
Quantum Rose Oracle Monthly Gatherings
1.5-hr Quantum Rose Oracle Practice—We’ll be following a specific protocol-meditation and energy-reading practice each month.
As a Quantum Rose Oracle you are also welcome to extend your practice and attend monthly Tarot Parlour & Automatic writing practices.