Initiations into Magdalene Consciousness & The Quantum Rose
4th Wednesday of the Month • 9am-10am
This call is recorded, so you can listen and re-listen any time!
Workshop Cost: $15 Monthly Auto/PayPal
This Month: December 27th
Attuning with Magdalene Consciousness

Stay spiritually hydrated, tuned in, and activated in your awareness with Quantum Goddess Frequency Training! —a monthly guided meditation call

The Deets
Cost: once-a-month autoPayPal $15.
The Quantum Frequency Training Call is a once-a-month recorded Zoom call on the 4th Wednesday of the month 9-10am. This is a 45-60-minute guided meditation that will focus on setting, grounding, and owning your space and energetic field for aligned manifestation and connection with your higher-self, Angels, And Spirit Guides. It will also help you in the manifestation department! What you vibrate as your frequency you attract into your environment!
This call is for anyone who
• Wants to raise their frequency through energy connection.
• Attended the Be the Life Force Generator Workshop
• Are interested in setting and holding space using Microcosmic Orbit Connection, connecting the mind and the heart, living from the Tiny Space within the Sacred Space of the Heart (Drunvalo Melchizedek)
• Are Reiki Master Teachers who want to prepare their vessel to pass attunements
• Wants to set powerful and magnetizing manifestation and abundance space!
During these calls we will be
• Working on our Microcosmic orbit connection
• Connecting the mind and the heart, Living from the Heart (Drunvalo Melchizedek)
• Raising your frequency to be in tune and in flow with the Universe
• These calls are perfect training for Reiki Master Teachers who want to prepare for passing attunements
• We’ll set powerful and magnetizing manifestation and abundance space
• We’ll be grounding, cleaning, and clearing our fields
• Connecting with guides
• Working from our 8th Chakras in our Neutral Space to get information from our higher selves and our akasha
• Working with and aligning our Galactic Chakras
• and so much more!