This Oracle Blog is intended to assist in Self-Inquiry in order to connect more fully the awareness of our own Light. What is Your Unique Light Language?
I asked the Magdalenes for information about Light Language:
We are magickal beings who came into this incarnation, into this world with many many lifetimes of wisdom and sacred knowledge. Lifetimes from not only Earth, but from other times, other dimensions, other galaxies. We are masters among masters walking the Earth to raise the frequency of the planet and all the dimensions and layers within. We have come to raise light consciousness.
We’ve come with a soul plan, we are doing our purpose by being. By breathing the breath we breathe through our bodies, by vibrating the frequency we are already vibrating. We are doing what we came here to do. And now that we’re here, we channel the light that we are through our vessels, calling on the Light Codes from Source, from our Galactic Councils of Light, from our Higher-Selves, and from our past-life wisdom, our Akash.
Your Unique Light Language
Light is energy that holds information. The more pure the light, the higher the vibration of light. And the higher the vibration of that light, the more Truth is encoded in that Light. Frequencies are dimensions of consciousness that we access and are aware of every day. Light Language is the communication of your soul. The language and essence, the frequency of your soul is individual to you. It is how your soul speaks.
How we channel these light codes emanating from our soul is unique to us. We can weave light codes through our practices, through healing and herbs and Oracle and intention. We use the wisdoms encoded within us, and we channel those codes while we offer our magick and our healing out into world. We are changing frequency with our focus. We are choosing the streams of consciousness to align our focus.
Whatever you do on this planet now, is important. How you process, what you intend. We are part of the souls in community with each other and angels, and guides healing the planet. We do this by focusing and aligning with Light Consciousness and holding space for others to access their higher dimensions. We are all in the process of accessing our key codes within the blueprint of our light bodies.
The deeper you travel inward, the higher you go dimensionally, the more clear, the more intelligent the information in that Light. Light is wisdom, love, Source-Energy.
Light is encoded with Source energy, Love-intelligence. It goes beyond the understanding of the 3D personality-self. It goes beyond the mind’s understanding in this dense dimension, so we must feel it with our bodies, we must listen to our emotions in order to attune with those high frequencies. When we become aware of our unique Light Codes, we empower ourselves to process information differently than using our rational mind. We are using the the language of the Heart, Soul Language, moving beyond the intellect of the mind.
Seeing Synchronicities, Listening to Intuition, Channeling from Heart Consciousness
We practice our own Light Language, our own channeling of Light Codes, by learning how to receive information from it and how to integrate that energy into ourselves, our environments, and our awareness. You can use it to assist in healing and manifesting and moving through fears and personality-self experiences. As we use our own Light Codes we are using Light Consciousness to channel our Higher-Selves, our higher consciousness, into and through our personality selves out into the environment.
As light beings in 3D bodies, we are alchemizing higher frequencies into the dimensions of the planet, raising the frequencies of everything around you, everything within you, everything above and below you.