The first thing that I see in the energy of the day has to do with being bombarded with new light. It even creates an overwhelm that may feel like having to make yourself do something, even though you really want to do it, that and layered with some “I am doing it and I’m not done yet.. I have to keep going even though I’m at my brim. There is a strong focus on one of many options, but this one has purpose. It clearly stands out in the timeline.
There is a need to clear space and really get into the energy of you, to just be with you for a bit, reset that awareness of essence energy so that you know who is who in your space, and then clear that energy appropriately.
Connection with Higher-Self reveals a Divine switch in energy and focus. All of a sudden this thing appears before you and you know you have to run with it. It’s been there, but now is the time to move it forward. There is fear around acceptance of this new endeavor. Fear that others won’t be in the same place or as inspired by this stream of consciousness that is so lit for you… but this feeling of fear or worry won’t last. In the past there was a feeling of hope, though the channeling of this hope wasn’t flowing into the environment. This is no longer so. The channels are open to the deep tides of consciousness that ring truth into the world.
There is a clearing, a transmuting, and a direct connection to the future.
It is time to completely believe in your own feelings of validation. Follow the the Truth that you know as yours. You know exactly how this aligns, and that is all that is necessary.