Denial is a strong thing. A protective thing. Sometimes situations seem so far from belief, so far from what you thought was true, that denial can feel more cognizant than what is real. When the genuine authenticity begins to shine through, though, that’s when evolution starts to unfold.
There’s a full circle that is coming into vision, and a change that looks like a 180º, but it’s been gestating for a while now.. Any seeming mistakes are always part of the soul lesson. They are blessings in disguise. When the Vulture appears, purification is necessary. It’s time to clear the cobwebs and see the roadmap that got you right where you are.
There is a change afoot that is necessary, dramatic, and creates a new appearance. This change is noticed by you and those around you. We have some repeating themes. Raising the frequency to be in your own Divine energy; Being present so that you’re in your most powerful healing space; You are not alone, guides and ancestors are around you; and being part of the Universe, being connected to the Universe, you are abundant, because it is what it is. There is no guilt or shame or program that can change that. Stepping aside from those, you can only stop blocking the path. The path is always there.
We have two 8s today. As above, so below, as without, so within. There is discernment and discipline when it comes to this change and this moving away from something that holds the energy of denial. Maybe you weren’t ready, but it’s now undeniable.. Evolution is inevitable. Cutting cords in order for the new journey to begin. You hold the keys to the next chapter. The bookmark in the Divine timeline has appeared. This new Light reflects out from within your center, your Soul-Light Star.
There is new energy that is surfacing and no longer being held back. It is stronger than the resistance that was placed there as a roadblock. Allowing this energy and this change and this new part of Self to unfold and become visible. There’s no need to rush, there’s also no need to use energy to keep this from surfacing. Allowing and accepting this part of Self creates connection with this evolution. There is a new way, a new path, and, as my Unicorn Astrologer used to say, “Become friends with this transit. Find out what it wants and give it that.”
🤍 #magdalene, messages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes 🤍