Self-healing energy comes from deep inside of us, it goes way back through our lineage, way back to the ancestors and what they learned before us. It moves through our DNA. Shakti comes up from the Earth and flows through the channels in the body, up and out into the Universe, healing everything in its path. This flow of consciousness flows with the Universe. You’re on. It’s your turn in the generations to heed this call, to have this life and to experience all the opportunities, all the situations, the gamut of emotions. You’re the explorer of the line at this time. You bring to the healing your version of events. Your version of time. Your version of your experience through the lifetimes.
When we call on our ancestors, we call on their wisdom to help us see the lit path, to help us see clearly through the veil. Today we’re still pulling out and lighting up those hidden things that we call shadow. We may see them being mirrored back to us from what we’re watching around us, we may see what is going on with us in someone else.
Create sacred space to listen, to have reprieve, and to rejuvenate. There is over-working that is coming up, a need to put Self first. What self-care does Self need today? There is an energy of going-going-going that needs to be heard. There’s a need to create safe space, to create a feeling of Home.
There’s a feeling of needing to ebb and withdraw, rest, caring, nurturing, reflecting. Acknowledging our families and our families before us; Our connections to the past as well as what we do to evolve those past patterns that we were given to tend. Hidden Truths. Hidden Gold. Hidden treasure. I’m hearing, “There is peace in the afterlife.” I feel like that means anything that goes misunderstood or seems mysterious will ultimately be clear. If there is someone through the veil that unfinished business resided, know that there is peace and awareness regarding this. Also, knowingness within is enough. Know and see from your heart. Trust in your neutral intuition and note whether you’re in fear or feel aligned and balanced when deeply inquiring.
References to lives lived. “There are places I remember.” I can hear this Beatles song. You are surrounded by your loved ones through the veil today.
With focus and intention, raise the frequency patterns of the crystalline grid that it you. Your angels and guides, Kuan Yin, and ancestors are supporting your process and your path. Trust your Higher-Self and listen today.
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