What is it of self-sabotage? Overcoming something that is so deeply rooted that it couldn’t possibly be from this life alone. But you can. It is possible to move through it and not let it have your loyalty. It can be not allowed in. How to do this, recognize complete authority over the sovereignty of you. There is nothing and no one who can keep you from your destiny, except for you.
What and who are you listening to? There’s a lot of watery energy here today, in-between worlds, interdimentionality. And then there are messages about reigning it in, coming back to Self, focusing, energetic exchange, shakti, and voice. Taking something back to the start of it all.
A journey of rebirth, finding the root of this thing and having a heart-to-heart with this soul part of Self. “Listen here, soul-Self. Thank you for this experience. Now I have things to do, so we need to move away from this old way and try something new. This fight or flight mechanism kept me safe for a while, but I’m ready to move forward into something that is a new adventure. Come with me in a new way, a balanced and healed way.”
Getting your ducks in a row has passed. It is time to take action. To focus. Claim your space and honor your intention. This is the way of your destiny, so, if you truly choose to accept this new undertaking, you cannot fail.
Only alignment today, only thoughts to Self about creative outcomes and new ways of being. Be fearless. Acknowledge any anxiety and move it, with your intention, right outside of your body. There is Peace in knowing your Truth. You were made to do whatever it is that you’ve been keeping from your present-time. It’s time to let it in and start construction. Bring this thing forward and begin. Fear is a wall of illusion. What is beyond the wall of fear? Nothing.
🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes #marymagdalene #themagdalenes 🤍