We have three snake cards today, two make up the caduceus. Healing through shedding skin and transformation. The Sea Serpent is a healer of guilt and shame, evolving worthiness, and today the inner plunge is apparent. Tending to ancestral wounds as you tend to your own. Sometimes there is a stagnation just before the Sea Serpent enters the scape. Upon arrival you will know, because the floodgates open. This could be a huge release of tear or creativity. This is Kundalini self-healing energy that comes from within.
Bringing awareness to the root of your thought patterns today. What projections from others have you taken on as truth? Yesterday we had Divine Leap. Today we have another. This is about leaving into the consciousness, bringing forward the hidden things from the underworld of you, the shadows of you, and lighting them up. It is time to know the Universe will provide when you align with what you desire. We have Ishtar reminding us that she resides in the underworld at this time of year, replenishing from the inside out. The underworld doesn’t have to be a scary place. It only needs your compassion and understanding.
You are in your most powerful healing space when you are in your present-time timeline. With your intention, move back into this alignment from the past and from the future. When you do this, the energy of the past can come forward to be in this ancestral healing bubble with you today. Your cells are responding, Light oCdes activating, Kundalini rising. Shining a light on the details of the past. Clearing unfinished “classified” information so that it is just as available as what has been obvious. Ishtar clearing the veils so that you can see.
Let what feels daunting come into the abundant place of the Universe for solutions. There is a thread connection, what connects us spiritually, what we weave and what we desire come together. We create consciousness with our thoughts and ground them into the physical with our actions. The arrow has left the bow.
🤍 #magdalenemessages #magickalmagpie #50daysofspacesetting #templeofthemagdalenes #themagdalenes #marymagdalene 🤍